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开学典礼--混乱的话剧七(1 / 2)

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好书推荐: 网王之散落的音律 神之肉 酒色蜜语 末日演员 你快到怀里来 无尽仙踪 扑克公主们的恋爱游戏 校草殿下的专宠宝贝 医生有本事就来呀 恶魔驾到公主快跑

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终于结束繁琐的对话, [once upon a dream]的旋律渐渐响起。闭上眸子用心感知曲调的跌宕起伏,以及歌曲带来的某种情绪,当曲子终于进入某种时候,她睁开星眸,轻灵动听的声音在安静的礼堂回荡。

i know you

i walked with you once upon a dream

i know you the gleam in your eyes

is so fam

i know it's true

that visions are seldom all they seem

but if i know you

i know what you'll do

you'll love me at once

the way you did

once upon a dream

once upon a time

i dreamed we'd be together in love forever

once upon a night

i was wish for a never

a never ending

once upon a time

once upon a night

once upon a wish

once upon a dream

i know you

i danced with you

once upon a night

there we were

wishing this dance would last

forever all the time

i hope it's true

this vision is more than what it seems

cause if dreae true

i know what we'll do

we'll dance once again

the way we did then

once upon a dream

once upon a time

i dreamed we'd be together

in love forever

once upon a night

i was wishing for a never

a never ending

once upon a time

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